Feeling unmotivated with your life?
Get out of bed in the morning and feel like crawling back in.
That feeling of 'blah' at life. That it's just the same stuff over and over again. You should be grateful for your life...other people have it much worse, right?
And yet you feel this sense of lack and motivation.
Well I'm guessing if you are reading little nuggets of well-being words from me, that you're in the market for self-improvement and change. You want to feel better, you want to feel motivated. There is a part of you that knows deep down that you deserve to fully engage with and authentically connect to your life.
Yes, ok great. Let's figure it out together.
First of all I know how you feel. I've been there myself. I was working in a job I found no joy from, my office was actually based in a car park (yes the view out of my office window was bins and cars...I'll tell you more another time) and I wanted OUT. I just didn't have the motivation to make that shift. The money was coming in and I thought "maybe this is good enough". Well that's what I told myself day to day, but I also had a glimmer of motivation within me to make a change. But it's hard to change on your own when you feel that way. I needed support to get me there and I worked with my own coach and did deep self work to get there.
Then on the other side I created WeJoinTheDots, to work with women who feel like this, like I did then, like you perhaps do now! Women who don't feel joy or motivation in their lives, through their work or relationships, or energetically, and they are ready to mix it up!!
Ok I have a question for you, I would like you to take a deep breath and think about your answer to this question: Ask yourself, What is my Why? What is the reason that you do what you do now, or the reason you want to change your life. Why do you want to make a change?
Because once you have they why you can begin to work on the what. The when, and then the how.
If you don't know the next steps or can't see the first one, then contact me. Let's have a chat and see if I can support you. I am a Mindset Coach for Women and I work with women across the world who feel the same way.
I am here to help you. That's what I do. It's my why.
Miranda x