acts of kindness Happy World Kindness Day This wasn't an international day that I knew about previously, but something within me this morning made me...
Unmotivated? Why...Feeling unmotivated with your life? Get out of bed in the morning and feel like crawling back in. That feeling of 'blah' at life. That...
Your 9-5 energyAre you tired of feeling like a square peg trying to fit into a round hole when it comes to your career? Don't you wish you could wake up...
another buzz word...At a friend's birthday this week, someone asked me if 'mindset' was just a buzzword. Or said differently a word that is trending,...
I can buy myself flowers Are you singing that song now ? Yep, me too. "I can love me better than you can"... powerful words, Miley. The truth is that most of us...
Nourish yourself firstYour soul needs time for solitude and self-reflection. In order to love, land, heal and create, you must nourish yourself first" Louise...
What can you achieve in 10 years time?Most people underestimate where they can be in 10 years' time. Perhaps feel like 10 years is too far away to think about. Too far away to...
Mind MattersThe mind is extraordinary. The brain we can see, it's matter, it's made up of cells, of tissue. The mind is what's inside, the thoughts,...
You are not broken. Here's why...The idea that because something isn't the way that it 'should' be in your life means that you are broken is ... well that's perhaps...